National Science Centre - New Delhi

Site Name: National Science Centre
Site Type: Technology, Science, Museum
Location:  Near Purana Qila, New Delhi, India
Highlights: An important science centre in India
Nearest Railway Station: Delhi
Nearest Airport: Delhi
How to reach: Well connected by road, rail and air

Hotel: A lot of options are available within Delhi city
Restaurants: Many options and varieties across the city

The National Science Centre located near the Purana Qila monument in New Delhi is a pioneering institute engaged in the popularisation of science in North India. The science centre which was opened in 1992 is a unit of the National Council of Science Museums. Similar to this, there are science centres across various cities in India.


Water: The Elixir of Life:

The 34 interactive exhibits in this gallery give an account of the water available on the earth and even in living beings. Different types of water saving instruments are also displayed in this galery.

Our Science and Technology Heritage Gallery:

This gallery has aorund 100 exhibits which depict how, in course of time, along with art and litereature, the scientific and technological culture grew in India. The theme of this gallery is really unique and interesting.

Human Biology Gallery:

This gallery portrays the human body in all its aspects: physiological, anatomical, biochemical, structural, functional and systematic.

Pre Historic Life Gallery:

This gallery is a recreation of world that existed millions of years ago with many of the life forms (artificially created) which are extinct today. 

Information Revolution Gallery:

This gallery exhibits the earliest and the latest form of communication and their impact on society.

Emerging Technologies Gallery:

This gallery portrays the revolutionary changes that are taking place in nine particular technologies. The displays in this gallery are very interesting and unique.

Happy travelling.

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