Tirupudaimarudur Narumpoonathar Temple

Site Name: Narumpoonathar Temple

Site Type: Hindu temple

Location: Tirupudaimarudur, 8 kms from Veeravanallur, near Ambasamudram town, near Tirunelveli city, Tamil Nadu state, India

Highlights: Shiva Linga with the scars of sickle and deer hit and slightly leaning towards the left side

Nearest Railway Station: Veeravanallur

Nearest Airport: Tirunelveli

How to reach: Well connected by road from Ambasamudram and Veeravanallur; public transportation is unreliable.

Hotel: Few options in Ambasamduram and no option in this village; more options in the nearby city Tirunelveli

Restaurants: Only a few options in the nearby Ambasamudram town

Ambasamudram is a picturesque town located on the banks of the beautiful Tamraparni river and on the foothills of the Western Ghats. The nearest well-known city is Tirunelveli. The town is known for a lot of scenic spots and temples. Tirupudaimarudur is a small village located near Veeravanallur, which in turn is near Ambasamudram. The village has an ancient and magnificent temple, Narumpoonathar temple. Let us explore this temple in detail.


  •  God – Narumpoonathar or Pudaar Jeeneshwarar; Utsava - Bhoonathar
  • Goddess – Gomati 
  • Teerth (Holy water) – Tamraparni
  • Sthala Vruksha (Holy tree) – Marudam
  • Shiva Linga in a leaning posture; marks of deer hit and sickle
  • Jeeva samadis of Siddhars inside the temple


As per the legend, Indra, the King of Devas, had some differences of opinion with his Guru Brahaspati. Hence, he assigned the Asura Viswarupa as his new Guru. 

Later, Indra learned that Viswarupa was secretly performing a yagna to destroy him. So, he killed his new Guru and incurred Brahmahatti sin. 

When the Devas approached Shiva seeking help, he advised them to throw Brahmadanda and install Shiva Linga at the site where it would fall. He also stated that that site would be equal to Varanasi. 

Accordingly, the Devas threw Brahmadanda, and it fell in Tirupudaimarudur on the banks of the river Tamraparni. Along with his wife Indrani, Indra came here, bathed in Surendra Moksha Teerth on the banks of the river, performed penance towards Lord Shiva, and got rid of his sin. He also installed this Shiva Linga.

As per another legend, Karuvur Siddhar, a great devotee of Lord Shiva, wanted to come here. He reached the northern bank of Tamraparni, and he could not cross the flooding river. He prayed to Shiva, seeking the latter's help. The Shiva Linga in this temple leaned towards the direction where Siddhar was standing to hear his voice clearly. Then, he was invited to proceed toward the temple. Siddhar, based on the gesture of the Lord, just crossed the river without any challenge and worshiped Lord Shiva. Thus the Shiva Linga is found in the leaning position even today.

After several years, the area became a thick forest full of Marudam trees. Once, King Veeramarthanda, who ruled this region, came to the woods for hunting. He targeted a deer that hid inside the hole in a marudam tree. When his soldiers cut down the tree,  blood was oozing out. The scared King did not understand in the beginning. However, he managed to discover Shiva Linga inside the tree later. He also found Linga with scars of deer hit and sickle cut. It is said that he built the temple originally with this Linga as the presiding deity.

The icon of Goddess Gomati is made up of Rudraksha, and it was brought here from the Komal hills as per the advice of a divine voice.

Temple Layout

Temple Tower

Tirupudaimarudur Narumpoonathar temple is one of the biggest temples in Southern Tamil Nadu. The 1200 years old temple has a stunning and magnificent east-facing five-tier tower (Raja Gopuram). A temple wall without a tower (mottai gopuram) stands in front of the tower. It appears that the tower was initially planned but not constructed. Otherwise, this large temple might have another stunning tower. There is a vast open space between the two towers. A small beautiful pillared mandapa is located in front of the mottai gopuram.

A long and broad hall covered with a ceiling on top and supported by many pillars found with carvings is located once we enter the temple. In this mandapa (hall), the flagstaff (dhwajastambha) and bali peetha are located facing the sanctum sanctorum. Two small icons, Dhwaja Ganapati and Dhwaja Subramanya are found near the flagstaff.

Main Shrine

The entire area covering Moolasthana (sanctum sanctorum), Ardha Mandapa and Maha Mandapa, is located atop a raised platform.

The Moolasthana enshrines a big Shiva Linga named Pudaar Jeeneshwarar or Narumpoonathar. He is found slightly leaning towards his left side. The marks of deer hit and sickle cut are found on his body. The reasons for his leaning posture and the marks are given above in the 'legend' section.

At the entrance of Ardha Mandapa, a pair of Dwarapalas are found. Also, the icons of Anugnai Vinayakar and Bala Subramanya are seen here.

The entrance of Maha Mandapa has another pair of Dwarapalas sculptures. The mandapa has a big sub-shrine with a lot of utsava (metal) icons such as Nataraja-Sivakami, Shiva Linga, Bhikshatana, Ganesha, Chandrasekhar, 63 Nayanmars, etc. 

Nandi is found in the mandapa facing the presiding deity. The hall has many beautiful pillars with lion faces on their upper sides. 

Another Nandi faces the main Shiva Linga in the area below the raised platform.


As per the legend, the Brahmadanda, which is associated with the origin of the temple, is found more like a thin long Shiva Linga in the inner prakara. Along with Brahmandanda, the icons of Surya, Shiva Linga and Nandi are also seen.


The Goddess of the temple is Gomati. She is very tall and stunning; her icon is made up of Rudraksha. She holds a parrot in her right arm. Her shrine is equally significant similar to Narumpoonathar and has three sections - Moolasthana, Ardha Mandapa and Maha Mandapa. 

At the entrance of Maha Mandapa, the icons of Ganesha and Subramanya are located. Nandi is found in the maha mandapa facing the Goddess. There is an exterior mandapa with a lot of pillars with carvings.

The structure of this temple, where the Goddess shrine faces the east direction and having an equally significant shrine, is rare to find. Even in the temples where such style is followed, the Goddess' shrine is generally located to the left side of the main shrine. In this temple, the Goddess' shrine is situated on the true right side of the main shrine, which is very rare.
At the main entrance of the Goddess temple, the sub-shrines of Ganesha, Subramanya-Valli-Devasena, and Bhootathar (in the form a samadi like structure) are all located.

Inner Prakara

Some of the icons found in the inner prakara around the main shrine:

  • Ganesha
  • 63 Nayanmars
  • Karuvur Siddhar
  • Kasi Lingam with his consort
  • Rameshwara Lingam with his consort
  • Tritiya Lingams - three Shiva Lingas
  • Chatur Lingams - four Shiva Lingas
  • Ganesha
  • Maha Vishnu with folded hands
  • Subramanya with folded hands
  • Big sculpture of Jwara Deva
  • Big images of  Sapta Matas
  • Krishna
  • Yoga Dakshinamurti
  • Shaneeswara
  • Saraswati
  • Sahashra Linga
The prakara is full of pillars and on the corner,  there is a kind of raised platform called 'thinnai'.

Some of the sub-shrines found in the inner prakara:
  • Ganesha - very beautiful icon
  • Subramanya seated on peacock with his consorts Valli and Devasena
  • Utsava idols of Uma and Maheshwara - sitting posture
  • Chandikeshwara
The niche sculptures found on the main shrine walls:
  • Shiva Linga
  • Very beautiful Dakshniamurti
  • Vishnu and Mahalakshmi in the sitting posture
  • Brahma with folded hands
  • Durga

Punagu Sabhapati

A big sub-shrine is located in the inner prakara, dedicated to Nataraja and Sivakami. Both the deities and the other usual saints are all made up of Punagu, a kind of perfume. 

Other Images

Near the flagstaff, there are five small Shiva Lingas; two of them are found along with Ambal. Apart from that, there is a small Shiva Linga in a small shrine and another big one - Ishana Linga and Ambal in a separate shrine. All the Shiva Lingas have their corresponding Nandi facing them. Navagraha, the nine planets, are also located adjacent to these sub-shrines.

Outside the Raja Gopuram, a shrine is dedicated to Shasta with his consorts, Poorna and Pushkala. Sapta Matas and some village deities are also found near this shrine.

Tamraparni river

Tamraparni river flows on the backside of the temple. There are two separate shrines on its banks - one is dedicated to Ganesha, and another shrine has part of the holy tree Maruda where the deity was discovered originally. Currently, a four-armed Shiva icon is installed here. The roof of this shrine is a slope, somewhat similar to that of Kerala-type architecture.

Outer Prakara

The outer prakara is more like a garden with many trees and plants. Under a particular holy tree, the icons of Shiva Linga, Ambal, Ganesha and Nandi are found.

Bird Sanctuary

The area outside the Raja Gopuram and around the temple complex is a declared bird sanctuary. This area has an abundant natural beauty that attracts so many birds varieties.

It's an extraordinary temple with so many beautiful sculptures, fine architecture, surrounded by natural beauty, and the peaceful Tamraparni river - never miss visiting this place.

Happy travelling.

Visit my site, krishnakumartk.com, to know more about the travel guides and other books that I have written.


  1. Nice place to visit. Temple maintained cleanly.Kanchi Kama kodi peetam is there. Daily barathi is conducted here for Thamirabarani


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