Wesleyan Chapel - Broadway

The locality, Broadway, part of Old Madras, was planned and developed in the 1780s. Broadway, though it appears to be a misnomer today, was a prominent commercial thoroughfare in the 19th century. 

The Wesleyan Mission in Madras was established in 1817 CE. The building on which the first chapel functioned was not convenient. Hence, a new chapel was planned, and the fund was collected to raise a new structure. Thus the new Wesleyan Chapel was born on 25th April 1822 CE. (It is also called CSI English Wesley Church.)

The ground floor had offices and meeting rooms. The chapel was located on the first floor. This classical revival style structure was probably designed by the English architect Elijah Hoole. He was known for creating Methodist churches.

An old photograph shot by George Baxter, found in a Newzealand museum, clearly indicates how iconic this structure stood in the yesteryears' Popham's Broadway. The current situation is different, though. Unfortunately, hardly anyone is bothered to learn about this 200-year-old heritage building.

Happy travelling.


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