The second longest beach in the world

Chennai is considered as the gateway to South India. The capital city of Tamil Nadu state of India has hundreds of tourist sites, which include museums, British period monuments, temples, beaches, etc.

When you think of Chennai, one thought that would splash in your mind certainly be Marina beach. Marina beach is the most sought-after place in Chennai. The beach stretches for around 13 kms long, and this is the second-longest beach in the world. 

This sandy beach would attract you for sure. Whether it is morning or evening, if you want to watch sunrise or sunset, you would enjoy strolling along the Marina beach. You would find a lot of famous buildings and British period monuments on the beach road. 

There are some memorials for some political leaders of the state on one side of the road. The statues of eminent personalities are found along the beach. Even today, the Gandhi statue and Kannagi statue on the beach are the landmarks of the city. There are a swimming pool and a small aquarium as well. 

Many temples have been built; a lot of monuments have been constructed; a lot of cinema halls and amusement parks have been started. But, Marina beach remains the best travel destination of Chennai for centuries and centuries, and I guess it will stay in its first-place forever.

Please do visit this great place and enjoy the sea breeze. 

Happy travelling.

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  1. Your latest post made me to recall my visit to this beach long back in nineties.Thanks and two queries.
    (1) Which is the No.1 longest beach in the world?
    (2) Why this beach in Chennai is called as Marina?
    Mangesh Nabar

  2. Good one!

    This post reminds me the days I used to walk/jog with my friends, later with my mother, after marriage with my wife and of course with my daughter when she learned to walk. This beach has seen me grow. This beach has a special place in my life.

  3. Great post! I've got more knowledge here. Thanks.

  4. Safety of visitors and tourists should be given more importance in Marina Beach especially during nights. Good informative article!

  5. a great beach to spend our leisure time...
    see more information about marina beach at

  6. Regardless of whether Marina Beach is the 2nd longest beach in the world or not is the question. The real question is how may people can go and swim in the waters? Chennai is still one of the worlds most conservative places anywhere so what if this is 2nd longest beach. If you stand around this Marina beach off Broadway you get sand blowing in your face and the extremly hot humid air making you sweat to death. I have been to this beach so many times, not really properly developed like most things in India for tourist.

  7. Great post. The authrities try their best to keep the Marina Beach clean and neat, but the people refuse to cooperate. They throw away a lot of plastic bags and similar wastes on the beach itself. Blame the people who spoil the Nature's gift


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