Ray Touch Pool at Mystic Aquarium, CT, USA

This time, we are going to explore Ray Touch Pool at Mystic Aquarium. Ever wondered how it would feel to touch a ray? Come to Ray Touch Pool and experience it.

The Cownose ray is a species of eagle ray found throughout a large part of the western Atlantic and Caribbean. As they have a nose like a cow, they got this name. They belong to the shark family.

These creatures are very active and prefer to swim near the top of the water. As they glide just below the water's surface, your fingers will easily reach them. You will be excited and get a unique feeling to touch them. Go to Mystic and do visit this place. 

Let me talk about more exhibits in Mystic Aquarium in my forthcoming posts. Till then...

Happy travelling.

Visit my site, krishnakumartk.com, to know more about the travel guides and other books that I have written. 


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