Perinba Vilas Theatre - Tirunelveli

Tirunelveli, a city in Tamil Nadu, is renowned not only for its temples and Halwa but also for its vibrant cinema culture, which was especially prevalent until the late 1990s. The city boasted a large number of ardent movie buffs who habitually watched films every night, often attending what was called "second shows." While many temple cities may have as many temples as Tirunelveli, what sets this city apart is that it also has movie theatres in every nook and corner, a feat unmatched by any other town in Tamil Nadu.

Back in the day, there were several cinemas in Tirunelveli, including Ratna, Parvati, Royal, Popular, Siva Shakti, and Poornakala. If one theatre was sold out, there were always several alternate options within walking distance. Despite the competition, Perinba Vilas, a new cinema hall that opened in the early 1990s, attempted to make its mark. It was situated in a congested street and lacked aesthetic appeal compared to the older, more ornate cinemas. However, it ultimately failed to survive for more than three decades and is now closed.

Happy travelling.


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