St. Xavier's College - Palayamkottai

St. Xavier's College in Palayamkottai, known for its esteemed reputation, has been a significant educational institution with notable alumni, including politicians, industrialists, and learned personalities. Before delving into the details of the college, it's essential to understand the background of St. Xavier himself.

Saint Francis Xavier, born on April 7, 1506, in Xavier, Spain, was a pivotal figure in the early Jesuit order. Alongside Ignatius of Loyola, he was among the first seven Jesuits who took vows of poverty and chastity in 1534 in Montmartre, Paris. Representing the Portuguese empire, he played a crucial role in leading the initial Christian mission to Japan, leaving a lasting impact on evangelization across Asia, particularly in Portuguese India.

Fr. Albert Lebeau, S.J., a man of tremendous energy and numerous social virtues, was born in Belgium. Collaborating with Fr. Causannel, S.J., Fr. Dhanasamy, S.J., and Fr. A. Gnanapragasam, S.J., he played a key role in the founding and early development of the college. Serving as the first Principal from 1923-1926, Fr. Lebeau brought his leadership to fruition.

The college's motto, "Light and Life through Truth" (Veritate Lumen et Vita), aligns with its vision—to mold young men and women into leaders committed to serving the people, especially the underprivileged, with truth, justice, and love.

Established in 1923 with an initial class of 25 students, St. Xavier's College has grown into an institution of significance. In 1959, the College Church, an architectural marvel blending Gothic, Saracenic, and Dravidian styles, was blessed. The campus proudly features statues of St. Xavier and Fr. Albert Lebeau, symbolizing their enduring influence.

Happy travelling.


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