The relic of the true Holy Cross

Not many know that a small piece of the relic of the true Holy Cross that was carried by Jesus Christ is there in an Indian Church. Let us explore this lesser-known site.

Located in Kandal locality on the outskirts of Ooty, the Catholic Church is called Kandal Cross Shrine. It is also known as Jerusalem of the East. 

The church houses a big bronze crucifix with the relic in a small glass case. It is believed that this relic was from the original cross that was carried by Jesus Christ. 

It is said that Rev Fr Paul Craysaac brought this small piece of the true cross from Jerusalem in 1939. The relic was subsequently installed in this site and Paul Craysaac built this church. 

The church has a prayer hall and an artificial cave. The cave shrine has the holy relic and the icon of Jesus buried inside the tomb. Outside the church, there is an icon depicting the crucifixion of Jesus. 

Happy travelling. 


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