The Statue of First Indian Public Prosecutor

The first Indian to have a statue on Marina Beach Road is V. Krishnaswami Aiyer. After Aiyer's death, many opposed this idea when it was decided to put up a figure for him. Thanks to the emotional speech of his mentor, Sir S. Subrahmanya Aiyar, in a public gathering, which ensured that most people favored erecting the statue. Thus, the statue of V. Krishnaswami Aiyer was erected in 1912 in front of the Senate House on the Madras University campus. In another 23 years (in 1935), the statue of his mentor was erected next to him on the same campus. This statue of Subrahmanya Aiyar is one of the historical statues of Chennai.

(To read about the statue of V.Krishnaswami Aiyer, click here.)

Aiyar was born in 1842 and passed away on 6th December 1924. He was the first Indian to become the Vice Chancellor of Madras University. He was a great freedom fighter and was a founding member of the Indian National Congress. He returned his knighthood to the British Government.

Known as the Great old man of South India, he founded the Home Rule Movement along with Annie Besant. He was also a member of the Theosophical Society.

Aiyar was an eminent lawyer and mentor for many other senior lawyers, including V.Krishnaswami Aiyer. He was the first Indian to be appointed as Government Pleader and Public Prosecutor. He was the first Indian to act as Chief Justice thrice.

This eminent person's statue is in front of the Senate House on the Madras University Campus.

Happy travelling.

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