The Gujaratis of Chennai and their Temple

The Gujarati community in Chennai has a rich history and unique traditions. Kheda, a district near Ahmedabad in Gujarat, is home to a Brahmin community known as Khedawal Gujaratis. During the early 18th century CE, a group of Khedawal Gujaratis from the Kheda district embarked on a migration to the Tamil Nadu state. The precise reasons for their migration and the exact year of this event remain shrouded in mystery, with various versions and theories circulating. It's worth noting that during this period, Thanjavur was under Maratha rule, beginning in the late 17th century CE. It's possible that, influenced by this historical context, the Gujaratis, in addition to the Marathis and Saurashtras, chose to migrate to Tamil Nadu. Intriguingly, the Khedawal Gujaratis initially settled in Thanjavur, earning them the moniker "Thanjavur Gujaratis." Subsequently, they spread to other cities in Tamil Nadu, including Trichy, Tirunelveli, and Chennai. Two women, Ramkor Bai and ...